Donate online
You can make one-off donations or set up regular giving using our online platform, Enthuse. Please use the link below to make your donation securely.
Donate by cheque
To make a one-off donation, please make your cheque payable to ‘The Foundling Museum’ and post it to: Development Department, Foundling Museum, 40 Brunswick Square, London WC1N 1AZ.
Donate by bank transfer
Please contact us directly at or on 020 7841 3594 for further information on making a donation to the Foundling Museum directly from your bank account. If you are considering setting up a standing order, you might be interested to read more about our Friends and Patrons’ groups who enjoy a number of benefits.
Donate your shares
If you have shares which are uneconomical to sell, you could support us by donating your small shareholdings to ShareGift, the share donation charity. ShareGift specialise in accepting small shareholdings that would cost more to sell than they are worth, generating substantial funding for charities. Simply mention the Foundling Museum when you make your gift.
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can claim income tax relief on the value of most stocks and securities when you donate them to a charity. In addition, donating shares charitably gives rise to neither a gain nor a loss for Capital Gains Tax purposes.