Unleash your creativity with artist David Holah and the Tracing Our Tales alumni group in this hands-on fabric printing workshop. Drawing inspiration from the Foundling Museum’s historic collection of fabric tokens, you’ll craft a unique collagraph print using a variety of textured materials.
About David Holah
David Holah founded the pioneering fashion label BodyMap with business partner Stevie Stewart in 1982. During the following decades they became costume designers for Michael Clark and Company, and designed clothing and prints for fashion brands including Goldie, Benetton and Fiorrucci. As an artist, Holah has exhibited work in numerous shows, galleries and public spaces. He currently works as a printmaking tutor in various colleges including Morley College and City Lit.
About the Tracing Our Tales Traineeship Programme
Launched in October 2017, Tracing Our Tales is a pioneering, award-winning project by the Foundling Museum that offers paid art traineeships to care-experienced young adults aged 18–29.
The alumni group are trainees who have graduated from the traineeship and continue to engage with the Foundling Museum. The group co-curates art workshops with professional artists to gain professional development experience, expand their creative skills, and ensure their voice remains a part of the Museum’s programming.
This workshop will last for two hours. Light refreshments will be available.
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